If you’re a homeowner, then you already know how important it is to maintain every part of your home. The roof of your home is just one of the components that you should pay regular attention to because neglecting to fix various minor roof problems could easily result in much more expensive repairs later or even the necessity for a complete roof replacement. Here are three signs that it is time for repair for your metal roof.
A great many Americans have made the choice to install a metal roof on their home because it tends to be far more durable than traditional roofing options. However, your metal roof may still require repair or service at some point, and here are a few signs for you to watch for that may indicate that it’s time for repair.
Water Leakage
The appearance of water on the inside of your home is the most serious sign that your metal roof requires immediate attention. If you see water spots on your ceiling or on your interior walls, then you’ll want to have the roof checked for damage right away. In many cases, the fastenings that were used to attach your roof may simply need to be tightened. In older roofs, these same fastenings may have become completely corroded and require replacement.
Sagging, Bowing or Buckling
If the edges of your roof are anything but completely straight, then that is an excellent sign that things aren’t just right. A metal roof should always be installed in a way that allows it to expand and contract as the changing temperatures dictate. It’s possible for extreme temperature changes to cause such a significant expansion that it may cause screws to be completely pulled out, holes to become seriously elongated and leave the panels themselves bent or badly shifted out of place.
Storm Damage
It’s always a good idea to check out your roof after a severe storm. Look for dents or tears that may have resulted from fallen limbs, loose or missing nails and any sign that any part of the roof is hanging loose or off-kilter. Any of these conditions may compromise your roof and should be dealt with quickly.
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